4 Tips to Keep Your Local Move Simple

Moving to a new home can seem overwhelming, especially if you've never done it before. CertifyMyMove is here to help with all your New Jersey local move needs. Even if you're just moving down the street, moving to a new home is an important life event that requires careful planning and maybe even a little help along the way.
Follow these quick tips to keep your local moves simple and in-budget.
Start Early
The first step to a streamlined and straightforward local moves process to start early. Make sure you know your move-in date and plan accordingly. It's even better if you can begin to make checklists and even pack your less-used rooms in advance. That moving date can sneak up on you when you're focused on other responsibilities like family and work. Make sure you start early, so you know you're prepared ahead of time!
Create a Plan
Your plan should consist of everything you need to get from your current home to your new home. If you're packing yourself, estimate how many boxes you'll need. You can save a few bucks by borrowing them from friends or family members.
Are you planning on hiring a New Jersey moving company? Most experts say that you should call whatever company you're hiring to help with your local moves at least 4-6 weeks in advance. We'll help you create your plan and can even offer packing and storage services if you'd rather leave the details of the move to a professional moving company.
Prep Your New Home
If you're planning on painting your new home, it's best to do that before all your belongings arrive. Painting is easier when you don't have to worry about navigating around furniture or boxes.
It's also a good idea to get the carpets cleaned, especially if the owners before you had pets. This way, you can start over in a house that feels like new, and you know what to expect.
Don't forget to update your address on all your essential mail once you have access to your new mailbox. You might be able to start getting mail delivered to the new address a few days before you move in.
Find Help
Even if you plan on hiring someone to help with your local moves, you might need help unpacking and getting your new ready for visitors. If you have friends or family in the area, they could help you unpack and get settled in your new home.